Zaina Fattah: Flying Yogi

In Adventure, Skydiving, yoga by This Adventure LifeLeave a Comment

Zaina, 26, is a yoga practitioner, skydiver, and all-around lover of wellness, health, and life. She likes to think of herself as a “pretty average person” when it comes to what she does in everyday life, such as work and at home. But she loves to make the best of her free time. She loves cooking, eating lots of veggies, and taking care of her mind and body; that doesn’t mean she doesn’t treat herself to dessert often though!

We can’t get enough of your adventures! Can you tell us a bit about yourself? How did you get involved in yoga, and how did it make a positive impact on your life?

I like to think some of my biggest hobbies stem from taking care of my mind, body, and soul. I started yoga about 5 years ago when my cousin received her Bikram Yoga certification. I got heavily involved in practicing this style of hot hatha yoga. This military style of yoga, grounded me every day. It kept me so focused I couldn’t drift my mind even for a few seconds. I had to stare at myself for an hour and a half every class focused only on myself and nothing else. They called this style of class “open eyed meditation,” which it was. Everyone in class was moving as one, like soldiers, and sharing the same energy. Staring at myself this long every time, really taught me self love. I used to be self conscious about my belly fat and sweat, but after doing this over and over, I realized no one was judging, and I felt most beautiful sweating during my sweaty practice. Of course, there are the benefits of strength, flexibility, mental health, and the “euphoria” one feels after making it through this class. After changing careers, I changed to vinyasa style hot yoga, which was fine, but I felt I needed more. This past year, I discovered “High Energy Fusion Yoga” in Lodi, NJ. It was like a breath of fresh air! Though not hot yoga, it combined all the things I loved most. Strength, balance, flexibility, and sweat! I was challenged, encouraged, and always keeping a smile on my face. This place brought me a new sense of community with some of the nicest yogis I’ve ever met. For now, this place has me addicted!

What inspired you to become a skydiver?

I never really thought about becoming a licensed skydiver really. It came into my life one afternoon when I received a text from my cousin reading “Skydiving on Sunday?”and I replied “Um..yes” and that was that! Me and my cousin, Dalia, were never close but somehow she knew I would be the right person to reach out to for this new adventure. That day rolled around, and we went to Skydive Sussex for our first tandem skydive, fell in love, and did another the same day! I was hooked and was high for days. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t think I would have ever become licensed. She asked all the right questions and we received all the needed guidance. The next Sunday we did our third tandem and the following Tuesday, we dropped a couple grand on our credit cards and started our 6 hour ground course! I didn’t want it to end, so I proceeded to travel over the winter and got my “A” license at Skydive City in Zephyrhills, Florida.

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