In his first installment, Jim Jennings broke a finger, fractured a heel, got 50 stitches to the face, fractured his vertebrae, separated ribs, watched seven BASE jumpers and skydivers die …
Ten Health Benefits of Paragliding
When most people think about paragliding, the words “health benefits” usually don’t come to mind. Many people see paragliding as something they may try one day, something they can tick …
BStoked: Adventures for Paragliders
When you think of paragliding, what comes to mind? For me (a total noob who is just getting back in the sport), paragliding symbolizes pure flight and freedom. I have …
Mike Semanoff: An Unscripted Life
Mike Semanoff’s unscripted life has taken him from Recon missions with the 82nd airborne, to skydiving into high profile events, rubbing elbows with celebrities, soaring the skies under a paraglider, …