Profiles in Adventure: “Hiker Tom”

In Adventure, Hiking by This Adventure LifeLeave a Comment

If you are an active hiker in the Southern California region, or follow adventurers on Instagram, chances are you have heard of “Hiker Tom.” Tom, 41, is currently located in Chino Hills, CA, and works as a Technology Business Leader in the real estate and mortgage industry. He is the proud father of active and adventurous pre-teen triplets who keep him very busy. They love to get out and explore as much as they can. Together, they have been to twelve national parks, and plan to explore more.

He has been an avid hiker for many years, and loves a good adventure challenge, such as the Six Pack of Peaks, Climb For heroes and the 52 Hike Challenge. These have kept him motivated to get out and hike every week, and has introduced him to good friends in adventure.

Scroll down to check out our interview with Tom.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. How did you get involved in hiking and outdoor adventures?

At the moment, I’m 41 and work for a Real Estate and Mortgage information company as technology business leader.  I currently live in Chino Hills, CA, have preteen triplets (2 boys and a girl) that keep me busy. I am a huge movie fan, enjoy all sports and having fun with friends.

I grew up playing baseball year round and once had dreams of making it to the big leagues, while once my playing days were over I looked to other sports to keep me busy.  As I’m not the fastest runner, and I do enjoy hiking, I starting hiking a popular loop hike near my house on the weekends.  Not knowing much outside of this hike, it remained a constant until I joined social media that exposed me to other hiking places.

A few years ago, I was looking up at a peak behind my house and wondered to myself why I had never climbed it.  At the same time I reached out to a friend from high school I had not talked to for years as I saw he had recently hiked a peak and asked if he wanted to go hike it some day.  He said yes, and once I saw the view from the top I was amazed and could not wait to hike another peak.

How did that hike inspire you to spend more time outside, and ultimately lead you to where you are today?

At about the same time, I had heard about a challenge to get out each week to hike called the 52-Hike challenge which helped to expand my loop trail to other unique hiking places, and also a Six Pack Of Peak Challenge to climb some local peaks in the area. This lead to meeting other hikers with similar passions of hiking and I started to create a hiking and adventure list of all the places so wanted to hike and explore and then started to take action to go to see some of the places.

Since then, Havasupai, Yosemite, kayaking Channel Islands, Big Pine Lakes, Ladder Canyon, Goat Canyon Tressel, The Subway and Angels Landing have been some of my favorite places I’ve hiked and adventured to.

Where are some of your ultimate adventure destinations?

I’d love to hike Machu Picchu, explore Ireland, Chase waterfalls in Oregon, and see the splendor of the gorgeous blue lakes of Canada at the moment, while always looking for amazing places to go see.

How did you get your kids involved in living an adventurous life?

When my kids were born, I always had a idea of taking them to all the national parks and actually have an annual trip each year to Joshua Tree, where they love to climb and explore amongst the rocks.  Since then, we have visited 12 together and I have visited 14 total parks.  My most favorite memory and best trip I have ever planned was a two week RV trip to seven national parks with my kids and parents and look back at it as a cherished memory as maybe one of only times I’ll be able to hike with all of them (before they are teenagers, and my parents are now 68).

Who do you look up to in the outdoor adventure community?

Some of the people I admire in the adventure community are the ones that are not afraid to push their limits and try something new, someone that doesn’t mind going against the crowd, but sets their own trail, love being around positive people that share a positive vibe, while have a passion to say “yes” to adventure and sometimes my crazy ideas that turn into fun memories.  One particular time I went with friends to Joshua Tree in the hot summer just to see the sunset and woke up early to hike Ryan Mountain for sunrise before heading home, or backpacking with a large 20+ triple hammock in order to sleep under the stars in Big Pine.

How do you define “adventure”?

Ultimately it’s about the experience over material things every day, living with passion and sharing those positive vibes with friends and family moments that will last a lifetime, and never miss an opportunity for a waterfall, sunset, or summit view for miles.  This is why I love to plan a good adventure, which has now become a way of life and always looking for that next amazing spot.

Make sure to follow him on Instagram: @HikerTom24

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