Femen Ogdun: Dreams of Flight

In Adventure, Skydiving by This Adventure LifeLeave a Comment

Femen is an avid skydiver and designer based in New York. Ever since she was a kid she dreamed of flight, and today wouldn’t trade the rush of freefall for anything else in the world.

You live an awesome life full of adrenaline-fueled adventure! How did you get into skydiving?

Ever since i was a kid i always dreamed about flying so when i heard about skydiving I had to give it a try!

What about skydiving keeps you coming back to the sport?  

The rush of getting out of the plane and flying with your friend in freefall is something I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for. And, of course, the awesome people you meet in the sport also has a huge impact on why I keep coming back!

Follow her adventures on Instagram: @femen.ogdun

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